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Success stories

Kristian strengthens customer relationships with CRM

Kristian Skarphagen


Describe briefly your business and what you work with.

Educates and lectures to companies on increased profitability through optimized leadership and teamwork, based on experiences from elite sports.

How do you use myflow?

The two main parts for me are landing pages and the CRM system. Next in line to become comfortable with is the quotation tool.

What is the best thing about myflow for you?

The structure it creates through the CRM system, and how easy it is to build landing pages for follow-ups with leads.

Your best tip/hack for others using myflow?

If you haven’t used a CRM system before, now is the time to start – it’s a game-changer!

Why did you choose to become a Founding Member of myflow?

Because I believe in the myflow product/service, but equally in the team behind it. High competence throughout.

What overall rating would you give myflow (1-5)?

🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

Solid 4/5. “The best is yet to come.”

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